Privacy Policy
By using the pronoun "we" or "us" or "FayettevilleGreen", the compnay is referring to the legal entity FayettevilleGreen LLC (FayettevilleGreen Limited Liability Company), and the FayettevilleGreen website and any other assets owned by FayettevilleGreen LLC.
By using the pronoun "you", we are reffering to the customer entity.
Our responsibilities
By signing up with FayettevilleGreen, you agreed to your data being stored on a MySQL (MariaDB) server.
We vow to never sell or give your data to any other parties that do not require your data, unless it is legally required, for example, if the police needs to get involved in a fraudulent credit card dispute.
Our payment processor, Stripe, is not owned by us, nor is it operated by us. When you make a payment on Stripe or sign up with FayettevilleGreen, you have your payment information stored on Stripe's servers.
We do not have access to any payment information you decide to put on Stripe's servers, for example, credit card numbers, and we are not responsible as for what Stripe does with your information. If you want to find out how Stripe handles your data, please view their privacy policy here.
FayettevilleGreen does use cookies to make the website navigation easier. For example, it remembers you were logged into a certain account and so you will not have to log in again. The only cookie that FayettevilleGreen voluntarily stores on you is the PHP session ID cookie, which saves information critical for the website to function properly.
While FayettevilleGreen does only store one cookie on you, there may be other cookies that your browser or your search engine may enter into the website to track analytics and improve SEO (search engine optimization). This cannot be stopped by FayettevilleGreen, and we cannot do anything about it.
FayettevilleGreen does not ever use ads (advertisements) on the website, and additionally, we will never ever willingly recieve any information on personalized ads that major search engines, like Google, may get from you to personalize and tailor ads, and finally, we do not store any of this information on our servers.
Your responsibilities
Please do not share your name, address, customer ID, password, or any other sensitive details to anyone you do not trust. FayettevilleGreen will never ask for your password.
If you are ever concerned about what happened with your data, please contact us at
You may always excercise your data rights at any time by emailing us to purge your account from our system and from Stripe's system. Please note, there are certain requirements to have your account purged from FayettevilleGreen, and if you do not meet one, you'll be emailed on how to fix it.
Please do note that even when we remove you from Stripe's system, some of the deatils, like your name, and past payment methods may still be in use with Stripe for security purposes.