Find the Plan That's Right for You

Below, you'll find a list of plans that we have. You may then consider which plan you'd like to choose.


Plan Rate Things to Consider
700 watts $400.00 up front, then 4 months free, and then $50.00 per month This plan has a low inverter wattage, meaning that any appliance above 700 watts will not work with this inverter.
1,000 watts $400.00 up front, then 4 months free, and then $100.00 per month This plan is better for customers who want to run higher power appliances at near the same cost.
2,000 watts grade Best Choice $360.00 up front, then 2 months free, and then $150.00 per month This plan is more expensive but is better for customers looking to run heavy duty appliances on their inverter.
3,000 watts info Extra solar panels recommended $410.00 up front, then 2 months free, and then $175.00 per month This plan is the most rewarding, geared towards customers who want to run multiple heavy duty appliances on the system.

Extra Solar Panels

Number of Extras Cost Things to Consider
No extra panels grade Best Choice Free This plan is geared towards customers looking to run low-power appliances. It has the slowest battery charging speed.
1 extra panel $100.00 This plan is better for customers looking to run low to mid-power appliances but with a faster charging speed.
2 extra panels $200.00 This plan is better for customers looking to run only one high power appliance and one low power appliance. It offers the same charging speed as one extra panel if used in that way.
3 extra panels grade Fastest Charging Speed* $300.00 This plan is the best for customers looking to run two high power appliances. It offers the same charging speed as no extra panels if used in that way.
